Irene Karsten from CCI presents the methode for reducing risks |
Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE), International Centre for the Study of
the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) and Canadian
conservation Institute (CCI) organised in November 2012 a 3 day Conference on
risk management. Besides theoretical information of the systematically approach
how to investigate values using a Value pie, and how an assessment should be
setup, plenty of case studies were illustrated. The case studies presented by
participants of workshops that took place on several occasions during the last
5 years under guidance of -for example- Robbert Waller and Stephan Michalski
and their students like Vesna Zivkovic captured a broad range of heritage, from
archaeological sites to wall painting in temples. We even had small workshops
on value assessment and making a value pie ourselves. We got a short hands-on
introduction of the CCI risk management methode and database. Next year in 2013 ICCROM will
launch a website ‘reducing risks to cultural heritage’.
see: collectie wijzer Robbert Waller at reducing risk to heritage Amersfoort 2012 |
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